Picture of Puppy in Flowers

Picture of puppy in flowers. This is a photograph of a Bernese Mountain dog puppy laying on a concrete garden bench. A furry black, brown, and white puppy, he is surrounded by what I believe are the flowers of Black-Eyed Susan, or Rudbeckia hirta. These are golden yellow flowers with a dark, almost black center and are a nice contrast to the puppy’s mostly black coat. Very nice puppy photography.

Picture of Puppy in Flowers - Bernese Mountain Dog Puppy in Yellow Flowers
Picture of Puppy in Flowers – Bernese Mountain Dog Puppy in Yellow Flowers

Are you looking for clip art of dogs, dog photography, art work, or illustrations? You can find dogs of every type and size featured here in images. A mother dog and her puppies, a happy Golden Retriever dog, a fierce watch dog, or a mixed breed dog, you have come to the right place for pictures of dogs.

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Photography Clip Art Images of Dogs