Picture of Tabby Cat and Puppy

Picture of a tabby cat and Dachshund puppy dog. This stock photo features a sleek, tan, grey, and black tabby cat and a Dachshund puppy dog. The two animals face each other and touch noses in this cute pet picture. The picture has a white background. An awfully cute picture of two animal friends. You can see more pictures of cats, and cats with puppy dogs below.

Picture of Tabby Cat and Dachshund Puppy Dog
Picture of Tabby Cat and Dachshund Puppy Dog

Cute cat and kitten clip art, studio photography, art work, and illustrations. Cats of every type and size are featured here in images. Cute and cuddly kittens and playful house cats! Puppy dogs with kittens and cats, too.

You can browse below for more pictures, images, art, and clip art of cats, kittens, and other felines. Use the search tool for a more precise search results.

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Pictures of Cats – Photos Clip Art Images