Two Cats in Love

Two cats in love are portrayed in this very nice illustration. This art work shows the silhouette of a tree branch and two cats, also in silhouette, sitting on the branch. The tails of the cats are intertwined to form the shape of a heart. There are a few green leaves on the tips of the branches and a few birds fly in the sky. There are five red hearts floating in the air above the two cats in love. This very nice art work is done on a white background.

Picture of Two Cats in Love - Two Cats Sit on Branch of Tree
Picture of Two Cats in Love – Two Cats Sit on Branch of Tree

Cat and kitten clip art, studio photography, art work, and illustrations. Cats of every type and size are featured here in images. Cute and cuddly kittens and playful house cats!

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Pictures of Cats – Photos Clip Art Images